Education system in India had not included Ethics as a scientific discipline in the curriculum of schools and colleges. The first time such an elaborate and intricate subject was noticed in its pragmatic and real-life manner when UPSC introduced Ethics paper as a mandatory General Studies paper.
This was a subject which was never traversed before as it included both Ethics and Aptitude. Beyond doubt, the syllabus of the paper is beautiful and facilitative in evolution of humans. Thus, this subject needed development as a separate discipline. This was taken as a challenge and course-corrector in the history of our academics and day-to-day life alike.
Ethixified took up the project and developed the course required in the manner it was needed. There by effectively giving the education system of India a new gem to marvel.
Importance of Ethics
With time the kind of questions we face change. This demands a deep and extensive enquiry into the questions posed. In modern society, the value system has been eroding continually. We, at times, face the question of what is the right thing to do in any situation. The answer to this question is given by Ethics.
If we know and, further, train ourselves in understanding the right and wrong thing, as well as the reasons behind such correctness, our value system will start getting better with time. The society, the nation, its people, all will live in harmony and peace. This paper guides us towards the right course of action and becomes the driver of our moral vehicle and controller of our darker demons. Ethics has a potential to correct the course for humanity.
Such potential was realized by UPSC and a paper was introduced. Similar, or closer, courses on Ethics would be made for schools and colleges in time to come. After all, what can be the most fundamental inquisition for humans? The sense of Right and Wrong.