Ethical Counselling

Many a times, we face great dilemmas and doubts about the actions done by us or others. We try to find out the answers, but there is no place we can reach to find out those answers.

Ethixified brought “Ethical Counselling” sessions as the very solution you look for in such a case.

What is “ethical counselling”?
At times, we have great discomfort due to lack of clarity on matters related to personal or professional life.

We or others do some actions, commit some mistakes, or falter some times. After such incidences, our conscience keeps pricking us for if we were right or not. This thought keeps running in the mind either consciously or subconsciously, there by taking a huge portion of mental energy and results in fatigue and irritation. When any such issue is unresolved it creates greater energy loss and starts disturbing our daily lives and relations with people.

We then want to get over such disturbing thoughts but do not know where to go or whom to talk to. This adds up majorly due to such acts, in general, cannot be discussed with everyone and we are scared of the leakage of the information at places we don’t want. This deteriorates the problem.

“Ethical Counselling” deals with the same problem. It helps you understand the correctness of your actions and gain clarity. It helps you get rid of the disturbing thoughts and continuous disturbance created by the same and, thus, restoring your mental space and peace.

“Ethical Counselling” – professional assistance and guidance in resolving personal problems which arise due to the doubt on the correctness of an action done by self or others.

How secret would your information be kept?
We have a strict policy of not disclosing any single detail about the person seeking our help.

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